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Strong Angular-Momentum Optomechanical Coupling for Macroscopic Quantum Control, Phy. Rev. Applied 17, 054017 (2022)

Date:May 12, 2022 Views:

Optomechanical systems offer unique opportunities to explore macroscopic quantum state and related
fundamental problems in quantum mechanics. Here, we propose a quantum optomechanical system
involving exchange interaction between spin angular momentum of light and a torsional oscillator. We
demonstrate that this system allows coherent control of the torsional quantum state of a torsional oscillator on the single-photon level, which facilitates efficient cooling and squeezing of the torsional oscillator.
Furthermore, the torsional oscillator with a macroscopic length scale can be prepared in Schrödinger catlike state. Our work provides a platform to verify the validity of quantum mechanics in macroscopic
systems on the micrometer and even centimeter scale.

Reference: Yuan Liu, Yaoming Chu, Shaoliang Zhang, and Jianming Cai,