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Measurement of the quantum geometric tensor

Date:December 26, 2019 Views:

Geometry and topology are fundamental concepts, which underlie a wide range of fascinating physical phenomena such as topological states of matter and topological defects. In quantum mechanics, the geometry of quantum states is fully captured by the quantum geometric tensor. Using a qubit formed by an NV center in diamond, we perform the first experimental measurement of the complete quantum geometric tensor. Our approach builds on a strong connection between coherent Rabi oscillations upon parametric modulations and the quantum geometry of the underlying states. We then apply our method to a system of two interacting qubits, by exploiting the coupling between the NV center spin and a neighboring 13C nuclear spin. Our results establish coherent dynamical responses as a versatile probe for quantum geometry, and they pave the way for the detection of novel topological phenomena in solid state.



华中科技大学蔡建明以及张少良领导的研究团队与日本理化研究所Tomoki Ozawa、比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学的Nathan Goldman、德国乌尔姆大学的Martin B. PlenioFedor Jelezko合作,在《国家科学评论》(National Science Review)发表论文“Experimentalmeasurement of the quantum geometric tensor using coupled qubits in diamond”,首次在固态自旋体系中实现了对量子几何张量这一重要物理量的直接完整测量。(博士研究生余民、博士研究生杨朋成为该论文共同第一作者)。

 基于金刚石色心的二能级系统可以通过微波和激光脉冲精确控制,本实验首先利用特殊设计的微波场与金刚石氮-空位中心自旋的耦合在参数空间中模拟了一个“单极子”(monopole)结构。在此基础上,研究者们利用参数调制技术(图(a)和图(b)对应线性参数调制,图(c)对应椭圆参数调制),通过对相应参数外加周期性调制,利用一个动力学过程来实现对相应量子几何张量矩阵元的测量,即利用参数调制诱导的拉比跃迁的频率和量子几何张量决定的跃迁矩阵元之间的联系来测量量子几何张量。研究者第一次在固态自旋体系实验上证实此种技术能够直接测量黎曼度规,并可同样精确地测量量子几何张量的其他张量矩阵元。 此外,研究者们还将此方法扩展到一个金刚石色心和碳 13 核自旋耦合所组成的双比特系统,并成功在这个自旋耦合体系中实现了对量子多体系统完整量子几何张量的直接测量。 这些结果证实量子相干动态响应可以作为一种测量量子系统几何和拓扑性质的强大工具,并为探索量子几何张量在物理学各个领域中的应用开辟了新道路。

Experimentalmeasurement of the quantum geometric tensor using coupled qubits in diamond, NationalScience Review, nwz193,
