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Scalable nuclear-spin entanglement mediated by a mechanical oscillator, Phys. Rev. B 98, 165404 (2018).

Date:September 26, 2018 Views:

We propose a solid-state hybrid platform based on an array of implanted nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond magnetically coupled to a mechanical oscillator. The mechanical oscillator and the NV electronic spins both act as a quantum bus and allow us to induce an effective long-range interaction between distant nuclear spins, relaxing the requirements on their spatial distance. The coherent nuclear spin-spin interaction, having the form of an Ising model, can be maintained in the presence of mechanical damping and spin dephasing via a pulsed dynamical decoupling of the nuclear spins in addition to the microwave driving field of the electronic spins. The present hybrid platform provides a scalable way to prepare multipartite entanglement among nuclear spins with long coherence times and can be applied to generate graph states that may be used for universal quantum computing.

Puhao Cao, Ralf Betzholz, and Jianming Cai, Phys. Rev. B 98, 165404 (2018).