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Effective description of cooling and thermal shifts in quantum systems coupled to bosonic modes, Phys. Rev. A 108, 013110 (2023)

Date:July 15, 2023 Views:

Recently, an effective Lindblad master equation for quantum systems whose dynamics are coupled to dissipative bosonic modes was introduced [Jäger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 063601 (2022)]. In this approach, the bosonic modes are adiabatically eliminated, and one can effectively describe the dynamics of the quantum systems. Here, we demonstrate that this effective master equation can also be used to describe cooling in systems with light-matter interactions. We provide two examples: sideband cooling of an optomechanical oscillator in the unresolved as well as resolved sideband regime and cooling of an interacting quantum system, the transverse-field Ising model. We compare our effective description with a full numerical simulation of the composite formed by the quantum system plus bosonic mode and find excellent agreement. In addition, we present how the effective master equation can be extended to the case of nonvanishing mean thermal occupations of the bosonic mode. We use this approach to calculate modifications of the linewidth and frequency for a two-level system coupled to a dissipative thermal bosonic mode. Here, we highlight that our approach allows for a massive reduction of the underlying Liouville-space dimension.


Reference:  Simon B. Jäger and Ralf Betzholz,